
100 Points
Learning Objectives

These instructions will show you how to start and run Node-RED on a Raspberry Pi.
This software provides a no-code / low-code environment for creating applications (flows) on a Raspberry Pi.

More information on Node-RED is available online.

After completing this assignment you will be able to:

  1. Start Node-RED on a Raspberry Pi
  2. Examine Node-RED

Assignment Overview
This assignment reviews basic computer concepts that you will need in this course and throughout your career.

You are expected to have a working knowledge of SBC hardware and software.
If you do not understand how to use an item, perform a Google Search, refer to the WSU Technology Knowledge Base,  ask a teaching assistant, or ask the instructor.

Exercise 1-Verify Node-RED Installation

Starting Node-RED

  1. These steps are performed on the Raspberry Pi
  2. In the Raspberry Pi desktop menu bar, click the Node-RED icon to start the service if it is not already running:

    start Node-RED start Node-RED

  3. After a few minutes, the Terminal window should display a message that the Node-RED service is running, on port :1880
    Note the RPi IP address as you will need it in the next exercise.
  4. If Node-RED does not start up, begin trouble-shooting; update the RPi, then reboot and try again.
  5. Open the browser and go to: (if it is not already running)
  6. If the webpage does not appear, troubleshoot and resolve any issues.

Exercise 2-Node-RED Interface
  1. These steps are performed on your computer Raspberry Pi.
  2. Open the browser and go to: 10.19.38.x:1880 (enter the RPi IP address from Exercise 1)
  3. If Node-RED is running you will see a webpage similar to this:

    Node-RED interfaceNode-RED interface

  4. Note-you may need to click the 'LCD-RGB screen' tab.
  5. Examine the interface.

Exercise 3-ScreenShot

Running a Node-RED flow

  1. These steps are performed on your computer.
  2. Point a browser to 10.19.38.x:1880
  3. Make sure the 'LCD-RGB screen' tab is displayed.
  4. Make sure to 'Deploy' the Node-RED flow, if required.
  5. Make sure to display the 'Debug' window.
  6. Click the button on the left edge of the 'Clear Screen' Inject node.
  7. Click the button on the left edge of the 'Send Message' Debug node.
  8. Take a screenshot similar to the one below, showing Node-RED and the messages in the Debug console.

    Node-RED flowNode-RED flow

  9. On your laptop save the screenshot as "IOT09" in your ' ' folder.

ScreenShot IOT09

Upload Screenshot

Submit to the appropriate D2L Assignment folder a screenshot that documents your work.

(50) 1. Upload your screenshot to the 'IOT09' D2L Assignment Folder.

Exercise 4-Reflections

Based on your experience in this exercise, consider the value of the Node-RED for organizations, especially departments involved in prototyping IoT products and services.
Think about what type of problems a Raspberry Pi equipped with Node-RED, sensors and actuators could solve, and whether it could be cost-effective.
Businesses are deploying IoT 'solutions'-how can a Node-RED equipped Raspberry Pis support or automate these efforts?

Node-RED: Getting Started
Opto 22 Node-RED:  Fundamentals
Home Automation Home Assistant


(20) 2. Reflections-value
List a specific problem that Node-RED could solve.

(20) 3. Reflections-content
Research the internet on the topic of Node-RED, especially on a Raspberry Pi
Why would an organization use Node-RED to develop product or service prototypes?

Submit Assignment

When all tasks are completed press the Submit button.

(10) 4. Assignment submission

Congratulations! You have used the RPi to learn to use Node-RED, a user-friendly coding environment, on a Raspberry Pi single board computer.