Exploring Uses of a Single Board Computer

100 Points
Learning Objectives

Raspberry Pi 3 B+
Figure 1-Raspberry Pi 3 B+

These instructions will show you how to prepare the operating system for a Raspberry Pi single-board computer (SBC); boot and then configure the device.
SBCs are becoming ubiquitous-examples are Nest thermostats , Ring doorbells, and Home Automation.
These devices make up the Internet of Things-IoT, which is greatly impacting organizations and everyday life.
In later assignments you will continue experimenting with SBCs, microcontrollers, sensors, actuators and other networking devices to provide an understanding of the technology and the ability to synthesize novel solutions.

After completing this assignment you will be able to:

  1. Connect to the WSU Guest wireless network
  2. Configure the SBC
  3. Use a web browser and other software on the SBC
  4. Use an application on the SBC to take screen shots
  5. Upload the screen shot to D2L

Assignment Overview
This assignment reviews basic computer concepts that you will need in this course and throughout your career.
Somsen 301 makes use of a Raspberry Pi 3 B+.
A 16GB SanDisk microSD card that includes a Raspbian operating system and appropriate software has been installed.

You are expected to have a working knowledge of SBC hardware and software.
If you do not understand how to use an item, perform a Google Search, refer to the WSU Technology Knowledge Base,  ask a teaching assistant, or ask the instructor.

Raspberry Pi 3 layout
Figure 2-Raspberry Pi 3 B+ layout

Exercise 1-Working With a Raspberry Pi
  1. This work is done on the Raspberry Pi.
  2. Locate a USB keyboard and mouse.
    Plug them into available USB ports on the right side of the Pi at your station.
    See Figure 2.
  3. If the Pi is powered on, there is a steady red light in the lower left corner of the circuit board.
    If the Pi is not powered on, click the power button on the Pi, which should be on top or around the monitor in front of you.
    Below the red light is a green light that will flash, indicating CPU activity.
  4. In the lower right corner of the landscape monitor, press the button marked with the colored dot.
    Repeatedly pressing this button toggles the monitor between displaying your laptop and the Raspberry Pi.
    When prompted make a new account, supply bogus information and log in.
    Note: periodically you will need to open the Raspberry Pi browser to 'winona.edu' or other website, and repeat the WSU Guest Network login process.
  6. The Pi password is on the desktop, it is:


  7. In the upper right corner of the desktop click on VNC to display the IP address.
    Raspberry Pi Desktop
    Figure 3-Raspberry Pi Desktop

  8. In later assignments you will use this IP address to connect to the Pi.
    The IP address will be of the format: 10.xx.xx.xx
    Note that the IP address will periodically change.
  9. In the upper left corner, you will see the Raspberry Icon, aka 'Start Menu'
    Click the Raspberry icon,
    then view the menu.
  10. On the Desktop menu bar, click the Globe icon to the right of the Raspberry icon, to start the Google Chrome browswer.
    Many people will use this computer, ensure that passwords are NOT being saved.
  11. In Chrome, click the menu (right-end of toolbar) and choose 'Settings'.
  12. Under Autofill, Click Passwords, turn off 'Offer to save passwords' and 'Auto Sign-in'
    Do Not Save Passwords
    Figure 4-Do Not Save Passwords

Exercise 2-Screen Shots

Scrot (short for SCReen shOT) takes screen shots that document your work.

  1. This work is done on the Raspberry Pi.
  2. On the Raspberry Pi open a terminal window.
  3. In the Terminal window type scrot -h
    This brings up information on how to use scrot.
    Review this information.

    scrot helpFigure 5- Scrot Help

  4. Note that simply typing scrot in a Terminal window takes a screen shot and stores it in the Raspberry Pi's  '/home/pi' folder.

    screen shotsFigure 6-Scrot Screen Shots

  5. Practice taking screen shots.
  6. In the terminal window type in scrot -s (scrot select) then click and drag the mouse to select an area around the current browser web page.
    Repeat the process until you have a nicely trimmed image, see below.
  7. desktop settingsFigure 7-Desktop Screen Shot by scrot -s

  8. Open File Manager, navigate to the /home/pi directory and rename the screen shot to something like MyIoTImageP01.png

Exercise 3-Investigate Projects

This work is done on your laptop.
For this Exercise read all of these instructions.
You are submitting a screen shot to the appropriate D2L Assignment folder that documents your work.
Use the Snipping Tool for screen shots
Do not try this on the Raspberry Pi, as it will take a long time, and it may freeze up.

The Raspberry Pi organization provides a lot of materials explaining what can be done with the Raspberry Pi single board computer.
Check out their books

Check out their magazines

  1. Review ' The Official Raspberry Pi Handbook 2022 '
    A .pdf copy is also available in the OneDrive/ReadOnly/IoT folder
  2. Pay particular attention to the 'Project Showcases' and 'Maker Guides' sections.
  3. Find and read an article of particular interest to you.
  4. Reflect on the benefits of using a Raspberry Pi to accomplish such a task, instead of a laptop or desktop computer.
    Consider cost.
    Consider what functions distinguish the Raspberry Pi from a laptop or desktop.

Open NotePad
Enter your Name, Assignment (IOTP01) and date so that it is visible next to the article, as shown below:

magazine article screen shotFigure 8-Article Screen Shot

Use the Snipping Tool to make a screenshot from the article you chose in The Official Raspberry Pi Handbook 2022.

(40) 1. On your laptop, login to D2L.
Upload your screenshot to the 'IOTP01' D2L Assignment Folder.

Screen Shot IOTP01

Exercise 4-Reflection

This work is done on your laptop in Visual Studio or Dream Weaver.
Based on your experience in this exercise and what you just learned, develop a brief statement about the value of single board computer technology to organizations.
Think about what type of problems these devices could solve, and would it be cost-effective?

(50) 2. Reflections

Submit Assignment

When all tasks are completed press the Submit button.

(10) 3. Assignment submission

Congratulations! You have successfully worked with a Raspberry Pi single board computer.
In the next series of assignments you will explore how to communicate with and control the Raspberry Pi from another computer.

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